It's hard to grasp exactly what I want to say or what I'm getting at. I can feel it though, I feel something.. it's a scary feeling. We're losing ourselves in so many ways. We wake up every day and get so caught up with 'the herd', our every day routine that we're losing who we really are.
As a child we dreamt so big because we knew nothing of what the world offers. It was as if someone opened the doors to a never ending candy shop and said .. 'pick whatever you like, what's your favorite candy?'. So there we sat saying, I like this.. I love that.. no no that's what I want (metaphorically speaking, what we want to be in life). Not once did anyone say the shop eventually closes and whatever items sit on the top shelf unfortunately, I can't help you reach.
So we go through life not necessarily worrying or preparing us for what's to come. Elementary school, easy, fun, non-stressful years of valentine cards, yummy projects, vocab consisting of 5 letter words, leaf piles, recess, milk money in an envelope.. now it's paychecks which we're lucky enough if we can afford milk! Middle School, what torture! Everyone is trying to grab on to anyone to be their friend and just fit in with the ones that everyone seems to love. Of course those end up being the ones people dispise later on in life. They're trying to prepare you for High School and what the assignments will be like. I'm glad I learned the proper technique of writing a 'works cited' page. Then there is High School, the years people seem to have hated but look back on wishing they could live over. I loved High School, every minute of it. Going from seeing everyone I cared about every day to barely having time to meet up for dinner/drinks. It's a shame what time does to us.
Getting back on topic, which I'm not quite sure the appropriate topic here.. those are the years that truly made us who we are. Those are the years we made mistakes in which helped us be mature and strong individuals. What happened?
We are just following the herd. I can't get enough of that expression. It's this fast force which seems difficult to break away from. I just don't want so much time to pass bye and we're 60 before we realize what's happened. If only we could all be millionaires and enjoy all the beauty in the world. Isn't this why everything has been created? Trees, waterfalls, the sun, exotic beaches, amazing mountains, never ending rivers. Then how come life has lead us to be working all the time, struggling, stressing, sucking the passion of life out of us?
Wish I had answers to all of my questions, but then again I wouldn't have asked them. Just venting and I thank you for listening.
I love you all very much!