Last night I was feeling a bit creative. I used the very easy Windows Movie Maker program that came with my laptop. I then plugged in my old hard drive and put together (using recent photos as well) a lovely video for my Charlie ♥ Enjoy!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Oh My, Circle Scarves!
You know what I absolutely love?
Wrapping myself in one of my many circle scarves.
Then wrapping myself in another one of my many circle scarves.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Honesty & Goals.
I've been trying to organize my life a bit. When I say life, I really mean home. That's the starting point. I'm really good at saving things that I feel have so much meaning and then never touching them until we move. We're not moving anytime soon, so it's time to get rid of things and put things in order. It's time to eliminate chaos. I've decided I want this done before 2012.
The reason is because I've only given myself one personal goal for 2012. That goal is to feel confident in my skin. That's not easy. Any woman could agree with me this is quite a challenge. That's not being selfish, at least I don't feel it is. I think we all deserve to start turning our efforts and love around on ourselves.
A little truth. 8 years ago, I was 19 years old. There was a lot going on in my life that I couldn't quite grasp. I was unhappy with me and I went very low in weight. When I say low, I went from being 110 lbs to 85 lbs within just a few months. Not healthy, not healthy at all. I didn't have a lot of people to go to in which I could confide in because I had pulled myself away from so many wonderful friends. I finally gave myself a good a scare, ended up in the hospital and put myself back together again. I don't want to ever be there again. It was a bad time that I've put away for quite some time until recently.
I tell you this because currently, at this moment in time for myself I weigh the most I ever have in my life. It may not seem it as I'm a short little lady. Recently, someone made a comment about my weight. I know they were trying to make a joke and don't know what I've been through, but it just shows that people may have other things going on in their lives and words hurt. Everyone knows they have their limits. You know where you want to be weight wise and looks and if you're not there, how can you be happy? I'm a little upset with myself for not taking better care of myself. But I do not choose to put myself through what I did 8 years ago. I made that promise to myself long ago.
My goal for 2012 is to feel confident. To work hard at eating better, exercising consistently and not giving up. I hope by doing all of this it will cleanse my spirit, my soul and I will be happier when I look in the mirror. I will be able to present myself better to my family and friends and even with my business. I hope that I can take compliments better because I will believe them. I hope to finally feel comfortable being me. Oh and I hope to stop biting my nails again. ♥
Do you have a goal(s)? ♥
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. ~Lucille Ball

Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas is Love.
It's the day after Christmas and I'm sitting here going through all of the memories over the last few days. This Christmas was beautiful, better than I ever expected it to be. Everyone was happy and that's all I could ask for. My favorite present I received was from Charlie. He bought me a 50mm lens for my camera, that I've been craving for quite some time now. It's no engagement ring, but I will just have to wait a little bit longer. So for all of those supporting and rooting me on for a ring, keep sending those positive thoughts ♥

This photo is special as we attempted to redo a Christmas Photo from over 20 years ago. Not bad, huh? We're only missing one cousin that unfortunately was not feeling well Christmas Eve.
I hope your Holiday was beautiful and you have a fun New Year's planned!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Beautiful Memories.
My sincere apologies for neglecting Love is Everywhere. It's been quite busy these past few months trying to get my business going. I can actually say in this moment.. right here.. right now.. that I am very happy. With that said I wanted to share with you some memories of mine. I'm in the midst of putting together a little something for all of my relatives on my father's side and I came across so many beautiful photos.
This photo was taken so many Christmas' ago. Actually 2 decades ago. It amazes me how quickly time has passed on by. I'm the little one on the bottom right. The rest are a handful of my cousins, there are so many more. Also, my sister (top left) is here ♥
This is a photo of my Memere and Papa who I have written about from time to time. I thank them for all of the beautiful family members in the photo above. If it weren't for my Memere and Papa having 7 children I would not have 15+ amazing cousins! ♥
This photo is includes all of my cousins minus 2 that were not born yet. When this picture was taken, it was also the last Christmas with my Papa. This was the Christmas where I received Cherry my childhood mouse. Sadly, since this photo we have not been able to get another photo with all of the cousins as we are all scattered around. I pray that someday before we're all too old to sit on each other's laps and squeeze into a photo we can be together.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Simplifying Chaos, Errands and the Holidays.
♥ Merry Christmas from Peanut ♥
Today I have a few goals.
#1. I would like to begin and finish my Christmas Shopping. [nothing like waiting until the last minute, oops]
#2. Hoping to begin my list of Resolutions for the New Year. There's a lot of things going on in my life whether it's just emotional or big changes so I'm looking forward to coming up with ideas to create more of a stress free life and learning to deal with these changes.
#3. Our basement is a disaster. Since I created my studio, everything that was in the Studio prior to it's birth, is now in the basement. We have New Year's Eve at our home every year with our close friends and the downstairs is where we spend most of our time.
#4. My bedroom needs a wee bit of organization. I moved our bed and dressers around so everything in between is a little chaotic.
In a nutshell, I'm looking to be stress free for Christmas. As stress free as one can be. I'm looking forward to waking up the day after Christmas and know that our home is ready for our New Year's Eve party. ♥ There is nothing better than having all the weight removed from your shoulders prior to events and or holidays.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Holding Love Up.
Love is beautiful. Love is scary. Love is difficult to hold onto once you have found it. We think that once we find that someone special that everything will work itself out. I went to a Wedding once where the Pastor said to the couple... "People always say couples need to each put in 50/50. You should both be putting in 150%...." That's so true. If there's problems amongst your relationship that's making your everyday trips a little bumpy, then sit down and figure out together what you each can do to help hold the Love together and make it stronger. ♥
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The Love Between a Mouse & Dog.
The Story of the Red Mouse: When I was 5 years old my best friend who also happened to be my Grandfather (Papa) was diagnosed with Cancer. It's a lot for anyone to comprehend, especially at such a young age. As each stage in his cancer progressed my parents along with my Memere explained everything that would happen. I understood, even though I didn't want to believe it. The last Christmas we all had with my Papa my favorite Aunt bought all of the girls a stuffed animal that was a red mouse. I was sick that Christmas sitting on my Papa's lap while he was sick as well. I clung to that mouse. It was the best gift anyone had ever given me. I named him Cherry. (Yes it's a male mouse). To this day I'm reminded of that Christmas, my Papa whenever I look at Cherry. I would never give him up for anything.
This cute red mouse once upon a time had whiskers, but the first night sleeping with him I woke up to his whiskers on my pillow. Cherry has been through a lot. Falling in mud as I would bring him for numerous adventures in my barbie car. Cherry has been to every sleep over I was ever invited to as a child. He has also fallen into the cleaning bucket that my Mom used to mop the floor a time or two. The reason I put these photos together is because the first week we had Peanut, he got loose in our bedroom and Cherry as tucked away under the bed. Peanut found Cherry and bit his nose off. I sat their crying my eyes out to find a noseless Cherry. I then found the nose and brought it to my parents where my Dad put the nose back on my stuffed animal. Yes, I was 26 at the time and cried over my stuffed animal falling apart. Who wouldn't? ♥
This is a story about a Mouse and a Puppy falling in love ♥
Monday, December 12, 2011
Love, Hugs and a Great Big City ♥
Friday, December 9, 2011
Lights, Camera.... Ornaments!
My lights and backdrops are in my studio. Now it's time to perfect the lighting. I'm having a bit of difficulty but hopefully working with it this weekend I'll figure out what's best for my studio. Here's some fun pictures that I took as well as Charlie ♥
♥ Don't forget to enter the amazing Giveaway totaling over $3,000 of prizes at Taking the Road Less Traveled. ♥

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's really that time of year?
It's taken me a bit of time to wrap my mind and heart around Christmas. I'm not sure why but this year I just couldn't get into the spirit. There's no underlining reason, it was just difficult for me. I had a bit of a late start I suppose. We didn't put our big tree up this year as we did last year. I was at my bff's house visiting last week, telling her that I didn't think we would put up a tree this year. When I arrived home that night I found Charlie had put our cute little Charlie Brown Faux Tree up in the Living Room. It was perfect, it made me smile and I cried. We visited my parents this past Sunday in celebration of my sister's Birthday. I was in awe over their beautiful outdoor lights that I couldn't stop taking pictures. This is my favorite. ♥
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
My Home Studio!
Hello to all! I apologize for my lack of posts over the past few weeks. I've been trying to put all my focus on my business. I decided a few months back that I wanted to put a Photography Studio in our home. With the support of my wonderful boyfriend, Charlie I've been working my butt off at completing is. Here is the progress so far. I'm still waiting on my backdrops and stand to come in. The lighting is here but not up yet. My new business cards arrived yesterday and I'm so excited to share and hand them out with everyone around me. I thank you all for all of the lovely comments and e-mails I've received of your support. It means the world to me.
This was just the beginning stages. I decided to go with a retro feel to my room. I received so much advice from other photographers in regards to what color to paint the room. 50% told me black and the other 50% said white. It's really all about controlling the lighting. So I decided to go with 50/50. Two walls (opposite to one another) are white and the other two are dark grey. I absolutely love it. I think that if Audrey Hephburn was to create a Photography Studio she would have chosen the exact same thing ♥
I'm colour blind if I hadn't mentioned before. There's certain colours I can see clear as day and others I need help deciding on. When I was at Target getting curtains for the slider doors I asked a woman if they were purple or grey. She said purple but I still thought they were grey and brought them home. Then one of my besties stopped by to check out my progress and confirmed they are in fact purple but they look great against the wall.
I wanted to find the perfect lamp for my desk. it is :)
This is the opposite wall. I chose to go with white curtains with grey (really purple) designs vs the other wall is white on grey (purple, I know). I love it. I still need more decor and once the lights and backdrops are up I will share with you all more pictures.
If you would like to see my photography feel free to visit my Facebook page.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Life Is Too Short.
"And remember, you only live once, but if you live it right once is enough."

Life is unpredictable. I remember being a child and all of the adults around me would say, "you can be anything you want to be." As we got older enter more obstacles. In order to be something that requires schooling you then are left with tons of school loans. You then need to do everything you can to keep your head above water to pay for the loans, a place to live, the bills that come along with and then of course there is credit debt. Even without school loans all of those weights still are around causing stress.
I think along the way with all of these stresses we lose a little bit of ourselves. I guess losing ourselves isn't really the correct thing to say. We get lost. We let life lead us versus us leading our own lives. There are always ways to get a handle on all of those obstacles, a way to prepare, we just sometimes give up too easily because trying to control our lives seems to difficult. With every decision I've made this past year I ask myself this one question, "If I were to die tomorrow, would I be happy with today?" That is what gets me through.
If you stop to think about everything that is bothering you, you'll realize there's ways to make it better. Life is too short, we need to look at life in the face and tell it who is boss. You are. You lead life where you want to go and how you want to spend your days. Don't let the negatives of life bring you down, because time is not stopping until things get better. You need to make this life exactly how you want it to be. You'll know the impact of how beautiful life can be depending on how much effort you put into it. Live your days and simplify those burdens and stresses that make it difficult to wake up each morning. Live so that you can sleep better at night.
I think along the way with all of these stresses we lose a little bit of ourselves. I guess losing ourselves isn't really the correct thing to say. We get lost. We let life lead us versus us leading our own lives. There are always ways to get a handle on all of those obstacles, a way to prepare, we just sometimes give up too easily because trying to control our lives seems to difficult. With every decision I've made this past year I ask myself this one question, "If I were to die tomorrow, would I be happy with today?" That is what gets me through.
If you stop to think about everything that is bothering you, you'll realize there's ways to make it better. Life is too short, we need to look at life in the face and tell it who is boss. You are. You lead life where you want to go and how you want to spend your days. Don't let the negatives of life bring you down, because time is not stopping until things get better. You need to make this life exactly how you want it to be. You'll know the impact of how beautiful life can be depending on how much effort you put into it. Live your days and simplify those burdens and stresses that make it difficult to wake up each morning. Live so that you can sleep better at night.
Life is too short.
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