Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

- Charlie and I had to run errands while it was down pouring. I told him I could stand outside of the car for 5 seconds. He gave me a counter offer of 10 seconds. So I did.. just for him to lock the doors and change the time to 1 minute. Good times, completely soaked!
- Letting Peanut hang out on the back deck. 45 minutes later I'm sitting on the couch wondering where Peanut is. (oops!)..
- Trying to sleep our first night in Maine only to have my special someone (Charlie..) snore the entire night away. Needless to say I only got 2 hrs of sleep our first night. He denied snoring, until my Dad confirmed he could hear it from 2 rooms away. Burrrnnnn...
- Getting hives from stress... eww, ouch and itchy!
- Charlie's very bad different voice impressions... (I love you!)

- Having a fabulous vacation in Maine with my family. We had perfect weather and made more memories. I can't believe it was our 21st year!
- Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets.. with sweet & sour sauce!
- My cousin's little man is turning 1 year. They're having a party
- Booked my flight to go see my bestie that moved to San Diego late spring. I miss her and I'll get to spend time with her and little baby RJ. Then we'll fly back to New England together. It'll be exciting and a great experience to see the west coast!
- Planning a trip to the beach this weekend, heading out to see our friends new apartment, hopefully getting pictures in. You know the regular stufff. :)
- My 27th Birthday is only 1 week and a few days away ♥