- Leaving a meeting late and rushing to the one following it. I wait in a room for 5 minutes, only to be sitting myself and no one shows up. I run (walk fast) across the building up the stairs to check my computer. The meeting was changed to a different room. I then ran down the stairs across the building just to catch everyone as they were leaving. "Hey Katie, it's over.."
- Charlie made these Velveeta Cheese Sandwiches (aka Grilled Cheese). He handed me the plate and said watch out the cheese is hot. Needless to say, I dove in and the roof of my mouth is completely burnt. Ouch.
- My neighbor gave us all these beautiful flowers. I took one at a time and cut the ends off then tried to fit them in a tiny vase. Then came the bundle that had spiders on them. I ran full speed onto the couch and yelled for Charlie to throw them out. Adios flowers. A simple method would be to rinse the spiders off, huh?
- Walking towards a group of people that were just having a conversation about you. Uncomfortable for them for being caught as well for me knowing what they were talking about. (My life changing decision). ;)
- Peanut hitting his bell at the back door. So I open it to let him run around the deck. He then begins barking at the darkness in the backyard. In the house he goes. Peanut hits the bell again. I open the door, 5 minutes later he barks. Repeat this 5x until I figure out not to let him out.
- Tonight I got to meet my beautiful niece, Ellie. She's the daughter of one of my very close friends, Michelle. As you see that cute face above that I'm holding. She was so good the entire night, looking around taking it all in. Peanut licked her toes and tried to give her kisses all over her face. Ellie is such an amazing little girl. She's already changed lives just by being here. ♥
- Getting ready for a fun Karaoke Night this Saturday with a bunch of our friends at our casa. Charlie bought some new speakers to make the house shake, haha. My neighbors are in for a treat. (Really we're not those neighbors, I promise).
- I have some great job interviews lined up (ooh a little sneak peak into my life changing decision!).
- I had gone to Hallmark to pick up some stuff. As I go to pay I hand my debit card to the cashier which I think happened to be the owner or Manager. He swiped it through and it didn't work. Their systems were down. 40 minutes later everything got up and running. He apologized for the wait, I replied saying that it's okay.. things happen. As I walk out he stops me and hands me a Vera Bradley 2011-2012 planner. He smiled and said this is for being so patient. Boy, am I glad that I'm a patient little lady! :)
- 2 cute little kids brought their parents dining room chairs out on the sidewalk and taped paper up. The sign read "Free Magic Show." Seriously, how adorable and it made me smile to see how creative little kids can be!