Happy Monday to all!

From CT to Detroit I made friends with my fellow neighbor in the seat next to me. Regardless, he fell asleep when the plane took off and snored for the first 20 minutes, I knew that whatever he was doing in CT (business, etc) he must have been exhausted. I later learned in our conversation that he worked for a company that put in Gas Lines throughout the US. He also was flying up to 3x a week to various places. In a nutshell, I understood why he was snoring. We talked about places we've traveled via plane. I lack in that department so I took in all the interesting places he's ventured to per his job. At various points during the conversation I looked out the window. I pointed to him how the sun was at eye level with us. Then I took photos, many photos. One being the photo above. He said how he was sad being away from his family all the time. He has a little boy who's 9. Also, he was looking forward to the following week as he planned a trip to Niagra Falls with his wife and child. I saw his face lit up as he explained to me where they are are staying and the view they will all have. He lifted his arms in the air and said "I hope we all get soaked on the boat, because that's a true experience." As we left the plane we smile and agreed it was nice to meet one another.
From Detroit to San Diego I had the pleasure of sitting next to Josie. She's originally from Hawaii, however, she moved to San Diego when she got married because her husband was a Marine. She has one son and due to life's many unexpected changes she was a single mom the majority of her son's life and still is. She talked about where she works and that she's going to school and is almost done. I expressed how amazing she is and I look up to her for all of her strength. Her son is now a Marine and old enough to live on his own. Josie told me that her dream is to go back to Hawaii and that now her son is old enough to live his life she's ready to live her life. We both ordered food on the flight, wrapped ourselves in the blankets that the flight attendant gave to us (we had our own blankets), and just continued talking the entire flight. I looked outside and we could see the ground. It looked gold lit up at night, all of the cities in little clusters, so beautiful. Looking straight out there was the moon. Just as the sun was it was at eye level. Never in my life have I experienced that. I tapped Josie and said look at the moon and how beautiful it is. She smiled and asked if I could take a photo with her camera, I did. She told me to make my way out to Hawaii someday. Josie told me I belong there with my personality and my Japanese facial features. She said "Katie, you look and act like an islander, they'll love you there." We hugged as we both exited the plane. I said that I'm so happy I met her and she changed my life during those 4 hrs. As I found my bestie at the Airport, Josie found me again and came over to introduce herself to my friends. I gave her another hug.
I may never see my friends I made up in the air again, but they changed my life. Just a simple conversation however short or long it is has already molded a different path for my future.