Monday, August 18, 2014

89 Days Until We Meet You

One year ago 8.17.13 I married this very handsome man (the one without the floppy ears). My best friend who I've been so lucky to spend 13 years of my life with. To find someone who means the world to you and you to them and soon bring a child into the world that is a product of the love we have for one another, that's truly priceless.

I remember in my teen years with the crushes, the heartbreaks and the breakups in Junior High and High School. I remember hurting so much and thinking it was the end of the world, you know that feeling? You feel like you'll never find love and just pity yourself. 

When I met Charlie he made all of that go away. I knew when I met him that he was who I wanted to be with. I even wished on a shooting star as cliche as it sounds. Prior to us dating I sat beside him outside talking one night and looked up. Not only was it a shooting star, it was my first shooting star I had ever seen. I wished that we would be together and spend the rest of our lives together.

#89: I will be there when you go through your first heartbreak and I promise that you will find the love of your life someday.