One year ago we were exactly where we are today. On vacation and completely relaxing as we were 10 days away from our Wedding Day. I remember the excitement as I had no stress and knew everything would work out. I honestly can say that in this moment I feel the same way as we will be going from just "Charlie and I" to our little family.
August 29th marks 13 years of Charlie and I being together. 13 years of pretty incredible, fun, challenging, sad, happy and unpredictable memories. It has been just the two of us that we have shared all of our love with. I love him even more everyday, as each second passes and now as Autumn continues to grow inside of me.. I can feel myself creating even more love that we will share with her.
I've been "people watching" on the beach each day and of course I immediately am drawn to the little babies wobbling around as they are trying to keep their balance walking in the sand. The little bonnets protecting their hairless heads from the sun and the adorable floaties they are tipping over in as their parents make sure they're ready to go into the water. The sunglasses falling down on their faces and the bulge from the diapers underneath their bathing suits. It doesn't get any cuter than that.
#99: Your first beach photo rocking some sweet sunglasses.