Ah. August 21st, the day I turned the big.. 3-0! I took that day off to have some "Me & Autumn time". It wasn't all that eventful but it was relaxing and exactly what we needed. For some reason that day while walking around Home Goods in search of a chalkboard for her Nursery, it really hit me that soon I'll be pushing a stroller, a carriage or wearing a kangaroo pouch with Autumn tucked inside laying against my chest.
It's my last Birthday which I'll be celebrating as "Katie". This was something very beautiful as the thought of next time my Birthday comes around I will be "Mom". Apart of me in all honesty was a little sad. Not at all that I'll be a Mom, but that this Katie who holds my youth, my mistakes, my experiences, lessons, fears, nights of crying into pillows, getting all dolled up to meet friends for drinks and memories that were just based on decisions that would only effect "Katie" are now being tucked away in those last 3 decades.
Becoming 30 is bringing on a whole new meaning to life. I know that when I'm approached with a decision it's not just looking in the mirror and asking what's best for "Katie". The decisions that I'll make, the mistakes, all of those fears and moments of joy and tears will have an impact on not just me but my family. I look forward to everything that we will see coming or unexpected and all I will learn along the way as I continue to grow.
#85: Celebrating your Birthday each year in the most exciting way. Oh, get ready!