Thursday, April 7, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!

It's a lovely day, oh yes it is! The moment I got home, ran inside let Peanut out, grabbed my camera, food and plopped on our deck swing. Have I mentioned it's my favorite place at our house? ♥

-- Bumping into a desk in front of a co-worker and trying to shrug it off. You know how that goes :)
-- Talking to my neighbor while our dogs are smelling each other and I spit because I was laughing so hard. Oops! I didn't spit on her though!
-- When I got was caught out staring at a man talking to himself. Read about it here.
-- Buying some delicious looking tortellinis at the store yesterday and forgetting to get a sauce. Charlie better like butter.
-- My bff and I were texting back and forth about 'tanning'. I read it wrong the first time around thinking it was 'training'. So of course all my questions were around training. She got me on track, lol. 
-- Not knowing how to work my new cell phone, getting a call that I didn't mean to pick up.
-- Even though no one saw I don't mind embarrassing myself what so ever. I was walking in my heels, pretty fast to leave work (still in the building) and I happened to step right out of my right shoe. No tripping involved but a quick 'Holy Crap..' followed by laughter, looked around and realized that dramatic moment was mine alone.

-- Being able to finally see our deck since there's no snow and enjoy our time on it!
-- Charlie cooking two yumm-o-licious steaks last night, they were delicious and it's so great time be able to have dinner together again!
-- Finally ambitious to paint in our house. I've only done the bathroom downstairs but I'm feeling antsy to get a move on with things. So motivation is awesome!
-- Having a Ladies Night at my house tomorrow night with some of my close friends!
-- After much planning, Saturday night will be the first Cousin's Night this year. I'm so thrilled, it'll be Game Night (darts, ping pong, cards).. it's going to rock! I love my cousins ♥
-- Charlie let me use his credit for his cell phone so I could rid mine and get the new Thunderbolt. It's perfect and I can blog on it.. you know how we love that! He's wonderful.
-- Getting to see my bff and give her a house warming gift!
