My inspiration today comes from a beautiful friend of mine, Sherry. I've written about her previously with her battle to cancer. Sadly, her time is very limited. She used to work with me and that's how I met her. She has this way about her that anyone that meets her, sees her smile and hears her laugh is immediately drawn to her because she's always been this ball of love! Today various co-workers wrote letters, cards and emails so that I could share with her.
After work I went over to see her. My intentions were to only drop everything off so that her husband could read later on. When I got there her brother told me that it was okay to go see her. I sat beside her and within seconds she said my name and smiled. I took my time, reading each message from everyone who contributed. I stopped after each one to give her time to take in what they wrote, find her thoughts and enjoy the moment with her big smile. For each person I mentioned she said 'I remember her..'.
We take so much in life for granted, we are all guilty of it and sometimes it's inevitable. To someone like Sherry just the words to know that she's in others thoughts and prayers made her happy. After I was done reading, she held my hand and I turned my head to see where her eyes were looking. Her hospital bed in her home is facing their backyard. There is a huge window and the breeze was moving the curtains around, it was quiet. There were birds flying bye, trees moving back and forth and pure blue skies. It was peaceful and surreal. One of her cats was laying underneath her bed and the other was on their bed. Her puppy was laying in the hallway and her family was close bye. I asked Sherry, "Are you comfortable..".. she closed her eyes, smiled and said yes. I could tell she felt safe and protected by her family and pets. I could tell.. she felt loved.
I'm not sure how much time there is and that goes for everyone in my life including me. I do know that today, on this beautiful Thursday I spent time with a genuine soul, someone who has shown me that you need to appreciate life.. all of life even when it has given you obstacles. Someone who has taught me that you should still smile, continue loving, and express to those around you how much you care.
With that said, I hope that you take this with you in life. Don't hesitate to give someone a hug, act on your feelings, it's okay too. No one will judge you when you want to express how you feel, because believe me, they are most likely feeling the same way and are just as scared as you are. Love as much as possible, smile whenever you get the chance and make sure the world sees it. Embrace friendships and don't let regrets get the best of you. I love you all very much. ♥