One of my favorites things to do is people watching. I don't think I've met anyone that does not like to do that. It's so interesting to see the variety of people. I took the train for the first time alone and I won't lie.. I was a bit anxious over the idea having to switch trains, etc.
When I was dropped off at the station in CT I went to the desk to buy a one way ticket. The very unfriendly gentleman behind the glass said, "Swipe your card and put in your pin." So I did and then he threw the tickets into the tray below the glass that divided the two of us. He then said "Track 1571". Without giving it a second thought I raced as fast as my feet would allow me in heels to find Track 1571 since I had less than 5 minutes to catch this train. Come to find out, the tracks only go up to 14! In a panic, my friend who I was visiting called to see how I was doing. All frantic I said, "I can't find my track and the train comes in 2 minutes.. what do I do"? ..
I then asked the first person I saw.. "Excuse me, but do you know where Track 1571 is?" The man very wide eyed looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and pretty much in so many noises said that he did not speak english. Of course! In a crazy moment I would ask someone who did not understand what I was saying. Heck! I didn't understand even what I was saying. Let's skip ahead and just say the second person I asked ALSO did not speak english. Finally, a young man told me that he had no clue what Track 1571 is but the train going to Grand Central was right in front of me. ♥ A sigh of relief as I entered the train! I made it and there's so much to talk about. I thought this post may give you a little chuckle. Also, this video will SURE make you laugh!
On our way home from NYC we had fun doing some Karaoke in the Car. This is the first video of many. Don't worry about the editing, it's my first time. You can stop bye to visit my fabulous singing partner at My Adventures in Mommyland♥ :)