Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cookie bakin', makin' & shakin'

I heart cookies, really! They are so delicious and you really can't go wrong unless they get burnt. Burnt? Is that possible? Yes, it is and let me just say a certain someone (pointing at self) burnt hershey kisses tonight. I have no idea how that's possible but it is possible to overcook them, go figure!

Tomorrow night I'll be heading off to NY to the C with a lovely friend of mine to go to my first Cookie Swap ever. Honestly, my first one! I'm very excited especially since one of my best friends will be hosting it and I'll be able to hug her little baby girl! I wanted to share with you a few pictures from tonight as I always have my camera with me to capture the special moments.

These I did make, very quick and easy!

 My girlfriend made these. Don't they look so yummalicious?

 The girl who burned her hand, yes that's me!

Important things you need when baking cookies: all of the ingredients, comfty close that aren't flammable, clean hands, lots of paper towels, cooling racks, cookie sheets, wax paper, containers for the cookies, good dancing shoes and energized hips for those dancing shoes!

I would love for you to share your favorite kind of cookie with me! I'm a big fan of chocolate chips which were also made tonight just not pictured!

Love you all!