The greatest gift he ever gave me, was his love.
Day 5: Okay my friends! The day arrived 24 hours early. What we, well Charlie has been waiting for.. I feel there should be a drum roll! Charlie's Valentine's gift arrived today!! [Big Applause and those Woo Woo yells]
Now I know it may be cheating a bit with the 29 Days of Gift but I'm looking past that. Every year I get my hunnie the same things in rotation: shirts, sweaters, candies, shirts, sweaters, candies, repeat! This year I was racking my brain a little trying to think up something different, until I gave up, clothes it is. Then my lovely friend and co-worker, Maureen, gave me a little nudge with the idea she had planned for her husband. She was so sweet to tell me all about it and if Charlie was also a fan I should look into it.
So there I went ordering this super, awesome, unique, made Charlie smile and say it's the best Valentine's Gift ever, Beef Jerky Bouquet! I know Valentine's Day past but ladies, if your man or father, brother, friend, cousin, Uncle enjoy Beef Jerky as much as Charlie does I say this gift totally rocks!
Notice that this fabulous arrangement comes with a 20 ounce Beer Glass. Believe me when I say Charlie's eyes widen at the sight of it!
All different flavours! He already ate one (of course!)
Also, you can include a personal message. Just like our men send us flower arrangements ;)