The reason I began writing was originally to get away from all the negativity there is in the world and shine the light on Love because it's truly everywhere you look. Give Love it's turn to be spotlighted for all to see. I guess I was hoping to open some eyes up a little wider sharing what I see through my life. Along the way I had made some amazing friends here and then more amazing friends and so on! I cannot believe how many lives this blog has inspired from all the positive feedback I've received over the last 6 months. As well all of you continue to inspire me daily, I can't even begin to express the gratitude and love I have for everyone.
I wasn't too familiar with sponsoring until I began researching and reaching out to others that have this. I think it's an extraordinary way to spread the love over other blogs out there. Let YOU shine because it's love that brought you to writing or taking photographs or the businesses that you have created.
You'll see a cute little icon on the top right that says 'Sponsor Love'. That will be the size of the icon (200x75). If you check out the Sponsor Love page it lists even more information. I'm looking forward to this new adventure and helping get the word out there for others.