"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - C.S. Lewis
Good evening everyone! Today seemed to be one non stop day for me, but it was wonderful. Work (we'll skip) but just know I was there. Then afterwards played with the pup then visited one of my besties who moved up the road from me. It's comforting having close friends in the neighborhood. We ate pizza and drank wine (Sangria) it was delicious, so delicious I couldn't stop singing the Fergie song.. you know "....d to the e.. to the l-i-c-i-o-u-s....." okay, I think you can picture it all now :)* * * * * * *
Last week on Cinco De Mayo my bff and I spent time together eating Mexican food (of course), drinking margaritas and just laughing our little tooshes off! One of the topics that came up is what we want out of life. Where do we see ourselves and what do we want to accomplish. I know for me I could say without hesitating that I am not happy with what I'm doing right now. Life is wonderful thought, when it comes to my relationship with Charlie, our home, family, friends, etc. As I talked to more people about this I'm finding more and more feel the same way! Both of us made a goal that by this coming Friday we'll have started Vision Boards. I have not started mine but tomorrow after work that will be my project. I already know what I want on there and I'm excited to share it with everyone. I hope that you're a bit lost like I am at times and want to put a goal up, somewhere visible that will help reminding you each day of that light at the end of the tunnel... you'll join in! Good luck ♥