Monday, November 29, 2010

'Life's too short'..

I heart Audrey Hepburn because her cute style and especially her sweet words that are easy for me to understand. This is my favorite quote of hers and would love to share before I begin...

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." 

 I felt that was the perfect start to this entry. There was a very sad loss yesterday, a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent woman loved by all who knew her.. who left too soon. I remember a quote that I think of often when someone passes away at a young age. "I'm going to live ,just not as long as you.." It breaks my heart to think of her family that she leaves and all of her close friends. It was a very quiet day at work today as she was in all of our minds. We all wore purple ribbons and when I walked around seeing everyone it made me smile, it really is like a family and we all shared something that brought us together. She brought us all together..

I was talking to a co-worker about how my family spent Thanksgiving and of course I mentioned Christmas. As I joked about family feuds and the grudges people are holding because laughter is the only way I can keep from crying when I think of my relatives he said 'Life's too short' and pointed to the purple ribbon pinned to his chest. He's right, it really is. There we are all walking today remembering a life, which was so delicate.

I'm okay with turning the other cheek as long as I'm not feeling any pain. I'm also fine with smiling at someone that may have hurt me in the past because I know how to forgive. If I held a grudge against everyone who has hurt me as well others holding one against me I may be a very lonely person. That is not how I choose to live life. It's okay to be careful around those you may not trust but don't be angry. Don't spend your days being hateful, thinking you're right with all of your actions and you've never made a mistake. I'm sure if we all sat down and put a list together of our actions that could have hurt others it may be long enough to make an encyclopedia edition! If you took that list and compared it to the people that may have been hurt by your actions we would also see how many forgave us.

'Life's too short'.. embrace life, don't rush it. I try my hardest to make those around me feel loved. I make sure to leave them with a hug and letting them know that I love them because you really just never know. I'm honest and open and welcome forgiveness into my life.

I ask all of you that you hug your loved ones a little tighter next time. Leave them feeling good with compliments and spreading the love!

I love you all,

I love my cousins..  they rock!

 Even cats know how to fight and make up..

Hugs from The King..

Frankie says 'Relax'.... 

I love my cousin, Kenny who had a chalkphobia but still shimmied this together :)