Monday, January 17, 2011

Inspiration Rocks!

I hope that everyone had a fabulous day. Charlie & I spent the entire day together, starting off with breakfast with my parents. Then the two of us went on another little road trip taking photos, laughing, talking, eating chips and grabbing a slice of pizza at a place we've never been before. It was a perfect day!

Because my mind feels so exhausted I could not think about what I wanted to write about. For a while I thought of taking a night off but I really don't want to. I enjoy writing too much. Then it came to me when I walked in the kitchen. My 'Inspiration Rocks' as I call them! See, every summer for 20 years now my family and I go up to Maine on vacation. Each year I always make sure to run into this cute little shop that sells items made of shells, or country style decor, jewelry, candles.. you name! You can't leave without finding something that catches your eye. At the register there is a basket and it has all of these rocks with words on them. I fell in love with them probably 10 years ago. I would always buy one and it was something I looked forward to getting each year. This past summer I went in there and skimmed the counter.. no rocks. I asked the man who owns it and knows me bye face where the rocks were. His shoulders dropped a little and he said they don't carry them anymore. I think it was the people who made them weren't around anymore. Any who, these are my rocks. I've given a lot away over the years because it's selfish for me to keep all of them.

Today I share my Inspiration Rocks with all of you!

Smile: Simple and not strenuous to do at all. Smile at a stranger, co-worker adding a quick hello or how are you? Smiles always go a very long way and just keep in the back of your mind that you have changed their life.

 Truth: This is always a great obstacle for many as it can be something hard to handle as well share. If you always stick by this your life and shoulders will feel much lighter! I promise!

Touch: Hugging is so important. You can't force that on someone, so to receive a hug is real to give one should make you feel good. To touch someones heart is powerful and you know how it feels in return.

Compliment: Something that we should do more often. At times jealously could be what keeps people from complimenting; however, we should all be proud of who we are and our lives. It's good to make someone else happy.

Give: Giving a hand when someone is in need, or just listening is giving a part of you. A Thank You card is simple and doesn't cost much :)

I also have a rock at work sitting on my desk that reads 'Patience'. It's always in my view and has helped me through so many tough and stressful days. ♥

I love you all!